Neural Stem Cell Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

neural stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a disorder caused by damage to the brain during pregnancy, delivery or shortly after birth. Clinically, Cerebral palsy is characterized dystonia, myasthenia, abnormal movement, etc, which is often accompanied by seizers, sensation, cognition and behavior disorders. In the medical field, neural stem cell treatment is the latest technique is the latest effective technique for treating Cerebral Palsy.
What are neural stem cells?
Neural stem cells (NSCs) are undifferentiated cells originating in the central nervous system. They are capable of differentiating into different kinds of cells in the nervous system when under defined conditions, and have the potential to give rise to offspring cells that grow and differentiate into neuronsand glial cells.
Due to the advantages of consistent propagation, neural stem cells have great potential for the study of neurogenesis and neurodegenerative diseases, and furthermore, for uses in clinical transplantation applications.
Neural stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy
Neural Stem cells extracted from a Fetus have the advantage of already being specialized naturally into neural cells and therefore there is no need to induce them into becoming neural cells by artificial means.
The neural stem cell center in Beijing General Hospital of PLA is the first and largest nerve stem cell center in the world. In clinical trial, after achieving the success in primate animals, General Hospital of People’s Liberation Army started to apply neural stem cells in treating Cerebral Palsy in children and other cerebral diseases such as cerebral thrombosis, cerebral trauma, spinal cord injury, etc in year 2003. The early treated cases have been ten years after stem cell treatment, and has satisfactory effects in their sensation, motor and linguistic functions, muscle strength and other aspects. Whether the treatment effects and number of treatment cases have reached world leading standard.

There is detail case information of neural stem cell treatment on Cerebral Palsy. If you want to learn about it, you may leave us a massage.

Should Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis Avoid Activities

Should Patients with AS Avoid Activities
It is commonly seen that the patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis(AS) reduce their joint activities in order to reduce or avoid their joint pain. However, is this right?
Actually, long-term making the involved joints at immobile state and avoiding activities can lead to muscle atrophy and joint cramps. By reducing use of the joints, it will increase the change of loss of joint functions.
The right way for the patients is to actively receive anti-inflammatory drug treatment to relive joint pains. At the meantime, do exercise with caution. At acute flare-up stage of Ankylosing Spondylitis, you can exercise the joints to the extent that pains don’t occur, which can help to alleviate joint cramps. After stopping joint activities, you can place the inflamed joints at proper position to prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps or deformity. In subacute or chronic stage of the disease, you will need to insist on doing stretching exercises of the four limbs, and gradually increase strength of activities. You will need to know that insisting on joint activities is very important. After remission of symptoms or discontinuing drug use, you will still need to insist on long-term exercising and try to maintain the joints at normal stable state. Functional exercise such as swimming, Tai Chi, gymnastics are suggested for the patients. But strenuous exercise such as basketball, football, etc, should be avoided.

All in all, the patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis should not completely avoid activities, which is essential for maintaining joint function in the long term. Furthermore, you will need to do exercise properly. If you are not clear what is the most suitable exercise for you, you may leave us a massage, or chat below.

Signs of A Flare-up in Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)

Signs of Rheumatoid Arthritis flare-up can be characterized by increased amount of pain in your knee joints. Flare-ups have also been known to occur due to sudden stress on the joint which can occur if and when an individual slips, falls, or hits the area by arthritis. When a flare-up occurs, symptoms including stiffness, pain and swelling tend to increase, so you may find it more difficult than usual to get out of bed in the morning, or you may discover that you have to get up and move around more frequently during the day. an individual who experiences an arthritis flare-up can have difficulty moving around and getting out of bed in the morning. Therefore, as a method of prevention, this individual would have to move around more throughout the day to avoid stiffness in the affected areas of the body.
Individual joints would 'flare' and become hot, burning, swollen and painful. These joint flares commonly started quickly and lasted hours or possibly a couple of days. A few people said they lasted for months.
In case of Rheumatoid Arthritis flare, you will need to balance periods of activity with periods of rest. In addition, apply a hot or cold pack to inflamed joints. You can use a hot water bottle or a pack of frozen vegetables (wrap a towel around the pack first). If you find that heat helps, try these warming techniques.

Most people who have rheumatoid arthritis take some kind of anti-inflammatory medication on a regular basis. In case of a RA flare-up, you will need to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about stepping up the dosage for a time.

Signs Indicating Postpartum Rheumatism

Signs Indicating Postpartum Rheumatism
Postpartum Rheumatism refers to arthritis disease characterized by muscle and joint soreness, pains after delivery due to wind, cold or dampness invasion. The disease is mainly characterized by systemic muscle pain, fatigue, muscle redness, etc.
In women after delivery, the following are signs indicating Postpartum Rheumatism:
*Systemic fatigue and cold
*Frequent soreness, sleepiness and pains
*Pains after activities, especially aggravated pain after cold and wind invasion
*Hand joint pain which can not be well remitted for long term
*Irregular menstruation or even amenorrhea
*Headache, dizziness and systemic swelling pain
*Cramps, soreness and weakness of waist and knees, and systemic numbness

If you experience over five of the above-mentioned symptoms, which may be signs of Postpartum Rheumatism, it is suggested to seek for expert examination and treatment.

What Kind of Work is Suitable for Patients with RA

What kind of work is suitable for patients with RA
Patient question: I have suffered from Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) for five years. Recently, I have moderate deformity of hand joints. I can not walk for long because of the bad pains. What kind of work is suitable for me?

Doctor Answer:
Generally, patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) should avoid outdoor work or work with severe labor, and should avoid working in humid or cold environment so as not to worsen the illness condition. In addition, you are not suggested to do work that requires overuse of your hands. Common office work with fixed work time and moderate labor and without strong stress is good choice for the patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis.
It is also better not to work in a room with airconditioning for long.

For the patients with RA, strict restriction of activities is harmful, and can result in joint stiffness, muscular atrophy, etc. In chronic stage, the patients should strengthen joint functional exercise, maintain joint activities and prevent deformity. In addition to routine work, leave some time for gentle exercising. If you experience severe uncontrollable pains during a flare-up, however, you will need to have more rest to recover.

In daily life, it will be good to have a caregiver to guide your routine life, tell the dos and don’ts, and provide useful suggestions for proper way of behaving to ease your pains and improve quality of life. For the help needed, you may communicate with your doctor, or contact with experts online freely.

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