Chinese Medicine Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a common chronic systemic inflmmatory joint tissue disease [ 1 ] . Many studies suggest that [2-4 ] : The disease is induced by a variety of factors which cause the body's own immune response. The disease may invade multiple joints, with symptoms on hands, feet, small joints, mostly symmetrical, as the most common. In Pathology, it is a chronic synovial inflammatory disease characterized by cell infiltration, pannus formation, erosion of cartilage and bone tissues, leading to the destruction of joint structure and loss of functions. The lesions are not restricted to joint tissues and commonly lead to damage of other systems.

1.The pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) 

Modern medicine has not been fully elucidated the etiology of RA , currently considered the main genetic factors, environmental factors and certain other factors, such as hormone levels , stress response and so on. For a long time , that bacteria and viruses is to start the RA factor , a variety of pathogenic microorganisms or other antigens , namely evils, more performance for wind cold dampness evil , in RA always with musculoskeletal common in the disease process , the evils is an important condition for the onset of alien invasive in vivo antigen- induced immune response , immune complex formation is the starting point of pathological changes .
RA is a debilitating autoimmune disease. The focus of prevention is early diagnosis and early treatment. Throughout the pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis, it is characterized by the vacuity and blood deficiency. The disease occurs due to wind and dampness intrusion. With the evil factors running deeper, it further damages liver and kidney blood. Dispelling evil factors, dreding channels and activating blood are the basic treatment rules of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

3.Early and acute onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis. In the early stage of the disease, it is characterized by evil factor invasion. At the beginning, the patients are found to have fever, chills, headache and sickness. If the patients experience fever, chills and headache at the early stage, if large wind-dispersing agent to dispel evil wet to the outside in a timely manner, the disease may develop into a chronic one. Therefore, it is better to expel wind and cold , relieve dampness, numbness and pain as the early time.

4 Delayed healing mostly indicate delayed healing so that the patients show varying degrees of blood deficiency syndromes. Because patients with recurrent illness condition are also commonly seen, it needs to increase the positive factor and get rid of the evil factors, which will improve blood circulation and increase disease-resisting abilities.


Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA) is a slowly progressing disease and is relatively difficult to be treated. Combing medication bath, acupunture and physical therapy will help to improve treatment effect. At the meantime, mental health education and functional exercise are also important.

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