Is Lupus inherated? Lupus is generally considered to be multifactorial. Its
may be related to genetics, hormones, environmental and other factors caused by
the interaction of immune function disorders.
A lot of researches indicate that there are genetic predisposition and
familial aggregation for Lupus. When a family member suffers from Lupus, the
incidence of other members also increase. Human genetic research found that
certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) is related to the pathogenesis of Lupus.
Lack of congenital complement C4 and C2 is also prone to Lupus. Currently, many
of the world leading rheumatologists are looking for genes that can cause
Lupus is more likely to occur in young women. The incidence of women of
reproductive age males are 9-13 times more likely to get Lupus than their peers.
A lot of researches suggest that females of childbearing age averagely have much
higher estrogen levels than the general population. Clinical practice has also
confirmed that estrogens also play an important role in the pathogenesis of
Lupus. About one third of patients with Lupus has their disease activated during
pregnancy or after childbirth.
Genetic factors as an internal and external factors also play a role in the
onset of the disease. For example, infections, endocrine, etc. Lupus caused by
endocrine factors is more prone to occur in women at childbearing age.
The above is about whether Lupus is an inherated disease. In conclusion,
various causes will induce Lupus. Don’t worry too much. If you decide to have a
child, talk with your doctors and take detailed tests. Be relaxed and keep